09 June 2008

Three I forgot

So I haven't posted in a month. I've been pretty busy, and I've actually seen a few movies that I just forgot to blog about. So I'm going to recap the worst three.

I noticed that SurfTheChannel.com has a documentary section about a month ago, so I watched the number one ranked entry, which was "The Nostradamus Effect," a National Geographic special on the 16th Century prophet and seer, Nostradamus, a name which I first associate with Douglas Coupland's most successful novel, Hey, Nostradamus! I never really got the reference, and I still don't, though I have been thinking recently that I should reread all of Coupland.

The documentary, which is one of those really annoying ones where they repeat the same information over and over again, is mostly about astrology, which is something that I have never really been interested in. Oh well, I just wasted 50 minutes. I really don't recommend watching this, besides being poorly made it contains no good conspiracies. If you really like watching crazy people make ridiculous claims about astrology, you might like it.

So I saw this trailer and got excited to see a good block buster conspiracy flick:

I know, stupid. It was actually the worst movie I have ever seen. I know it's not in theatres anymore, so it doesn't really matter but this movie totally sucked. And there was no conspiracy.

I also saw Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, though I watched a pretty shitty bootleg online. I'm not paying $12 to see this movie. Though I thought it was better, or at least as good as the first. There's something so charming about those guys, that despite the fact that there are no funny parts, you feel good after you watch it. Obviously I was vaguely interested in the movie because the title has a vaguely politically charged title. As I expected, they spend about two minutes on Guantanamo Bay, though the bad guy in this movie (was there a bad guy in the original?) is a Homeland Security dude out to get terrorists. He's a caricature of a racist, using comically obvious racist gestures to intimidate other characters. It's so over the top that it really isn't funny, like a lot of things in the movie. I won't try to analyze the race commentary that the film sort of tries to make. What struck me about this sequel was how much more Hollywood and formulaic it is than the original, but somehow also more enjoyable. I get that their whole thing is an ironic poke at Hollywood conventions, at least more obviously this time around, but it seems crazy that this works for a whole freaking movie. They're also pretty good at the formula it turns out. One thing: I did really miss the extreme dudes, but appreciated the reference to them.

Next time I'll write about something that's actually interesting. Hopefully soon.

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